Friday, March 26, 2010

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

In today's overly-PC society, stupid has become a four-letter word. Sure, I agree that words can hurt and telling a child they are stupid can do some real damage to their self-esteem. But, I also resent the look of abject horror I get from my five-year-old if I dare utter the s-word in her presence.

I'm sorry, L, but soon you’ll learn that some things (and yes, some people) are just plain stupid.

There. I said it. Go tattle if you want to.

However, while I don't freak out whenever I hear stupid, I think we're all growing a bit tired of Z's new-found love affair with that word. It is his favorite response to every question he is asked. This morning I could hear him chanting "stupid, stupid, stupid" over and over while L screamed, "stop it, stop it, stop it" over and over again. And a good morning to you, too.

I'll admit, it doesn't sound too cute to have a two-year-old tell you that you're stupid. I got him yesterday, though. The conversation went something like this:

"Z, what book are you reading?"


"What is your favorite treat?"


"What are you?"


"Ha! Suckah."

Oh, relax. He wasn't traumatized. At least I don't think he was. I suppose it may take years before we'll truly know to what extent my parenting techniques have scarred my kids.

We're also no longer allowed to say shut-up. Im not sure when that one became bad, but saying it will also earn you the admonishment from L, The Language Monitor. She also went so far the other day as to tell me I could no longer say freakin'. I think my mother put her up to that one. Little does L know that Gran has no problem dropping the real s-word whenever she feels the need.

Practically every single Disney movie has the words stupid, moron, idiot and dumb as part of the dialogue. If Disney seems to think it's okay, can’t be loosen up a bit on our restrictions of such language?

"Z, what do you think of the silliness surrounding all these so-called bad words?"


I couldn’t agree more, son.

1 comment:

  1. I yelled a Brian for saying "Son of a biscuit" in front of Tyler. I mean, if he repeats that, it might not sound like "biscuit." The next day, I realized Aladdin says, "Son of a jackal." I can't win. But even innocent words can have you being judged when your kids say them -- Have you seen the blog ? One of her kids pronounced fireworks "f*ck up." [You should totally check out this blog. Not only is she hilarious in the same style that you are, but she was an actress. She once posted pictures of her poker-playing buddies, including Brad Pitt, back in the days he was still doing commercials.]
